Lessons From a Life Lived Fully

A collection of thoughts on happiness, adventure, wellness, balance, achievement, and all the stuff in-between that makes life beautiful, magical, and deeply satisfying.

Have you ever looked around at your life and wondered, “Is this it?” or “Whose life am I living?” If so, then you need

Most people think that to get more done in less time, you just need a good to-do list and to manage your time better.

Did you know that 20-25% of new businesses fail within the first year? A lot of people want to start a business, but most

“The longing is larger than the fear, the desire more fierce than the pain…I had to leave the life I had built and go

Do the visualizations, manifest your future, move energy with your will. Yes…definitely do all those things! But also: show up every day and do

If you don’t know exactly what you want, clearly enough to visualize it in your mind, then how exactly do you think you’re going

When I stopped trying to be what I thought everyone else wanted me to be, I became free to actually grow into the happiest

You can’t create a new reality until you have enough mental, physical, and emotional space in your life for it to appear.